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Virtual Inspire tickets now available!
Come and see Rick Smith of TMF and myself explain how Alteryx can prove its own value, and unlock the power of Auto Insights and the Microsoft Power Platform.
Alteryx User Group 2021.3 Recording
Recently, we held our first in-person Alteryx User Group in a very long time and it was great to see so many of you - it was a great success!
Alteryx from Continuum helps Jersey Consultants Complete International Fund Deal
Data analytics and automation played a major role whereby they helped Brooks Macdonald International complete the acquisition and integration of Lloyds Investment Fund Managers Limited (LIFML). This included due diligence of data from over 10,500 funds clients, and the migration of data and outsourcing to JTC.
Alteryx User Group 2021.3/4
If you love using Alteryx and would like the opportunity to meet other like-minded Alteryx users, hear all about the latest product release updates, see some exciting Alteryx demos in action, AND have a free lunch on us then this is the place to be.
How to Understand your Alteryx Workflows
Understanding the importance and value of how a successful workflow is created and tracked, will help your business make data-driven decisions.
Alteryx User Group 2021.3/4 - Call for Speakers!
The Channel Islands Alteryx User Group has been a bit quiet lately, however, our next meetup is shaping up to be one of the very best yet!
How to use Predictive Analytics to Generate Efficient and Effective Results
Watch how Ben works through Alteryx and Tangent Works to create predictive analytics in this electricity load demand use case.
Webinar: IoD Jersey Digital Adoption Webinar
Watch Dan, Heather-Anne, Ian and Jon discuss incorporating the digital mindset and leadership within the workplace, in the IOD Jersey Webinar. Sponsored by JT.
Join McLaren and Mindy Kaling at the next virtual Alteryx event
Register for the next virtual Alteryx event on 4th November. Hear real-life case studies from McLaren’s CEO, Herman Miller, The Home Depot and more, with their experience using Alteryx and automating their data within their organisations.
No-Code Continuum Project Hack:11 Submission
The Continuum team recently took on the challenge of the Project Hack:11 Hackathon. The mission was to get all the best thinkers in the world of data and analytics together to see if any ingenious solutions can be devised for a variety of different challenges provided by the event’s sponsors. Watch our submission video…