AI and Robotics
This is an AI generated image - she is not real.
Dan spoke last week as guest of our lovely partners at HR Now for the Senior HR forum on the future of AI and Robotics; his slide deck can be found here. For those that didn’t attend, here are some edited highlights.
For fun, he revisited his presentation to CIPD in 2018 when so filled with enthusiasm that he assumed that of course everyone would be desperate to try machine learning - except that, other than Global, no-one did !
Our slow realisation has been that most people don’t have a repeatable view of yesterday, so why bother asking what might happen tomorrow ?
(Clue - we have an answer !)
Anyway, to the presentation, Dan revisited some Data Buzzword Bingo ;
Big Data
“Data sets so voluminous and complex that traditional software can’t deal with them.”
Machine Learning
“Computer models that provide better future results based on past performance”
Artificial Intelligence
“Computer systems that are able to perform tasks that ordinarily require human intelligence”
Data Science
The combination of the above
Robotic Process Automation / RPA / Robotics
Computer programs that emulate boring and valueless human user actions.
The favourite quote of the event was from Gartner:
By 2021 AI to reclaim 6.2 billion hours in productivity.
AI is happening now - for everyday examples just look at Outlook for your daily briefing from Cortana, meeting and quiet time suggestions or your favourite responses to emails (“Unsubscribe” or “No” being good ones).
If you don’t believe us, who do you think will come stronger out of 2020; AirBnb or Hilton? Tesla or Ford? Zoom or BT ?
As a person or organisation, start by not putting your head in the sand.
For an offbeat illustration of the power of AI right now check out the almost-human faces that it produces
(for reassurance, check some of the others here - - it’s not so good at horses, unless you like push-me-pull-me’s ! )
Thanks for reading !