Maximize the value of your existing Alteryx workflows and unlock insights for everyone across your business. Increase the operational efficiency of your analytics team by bringing together every point of data in one proactive, personalized, intuitive platform. With Alteryx Auto Insights, you can:
Elevate teams with deeper insights, saving time by cutting mundane admin analysis
Resolve issues as they arise, gaining the evidence you need to make decisions
Stay on top of future anomalies by getting insights direct to your inbox
Boost revenue streams by identifying opportunities for growth and improving productivity across your entire organization.
As a cloud-native SaaS solution, setup is easy. Connect your data and in minutes get critical insights so you are informed and ready to share with anyone on your team. Instantly benefit from:
Data discovery – no need to ask the questions
Root cause analysis – dive deeper in an instant
Storytelling – insights that rival humans
All automated, without any setup or build.
Make Better, Faster Decisions with Automated Insights.
Turn your data into insights in one best-in-class platform
Auto Insights provides fully automated anomaly detection, root-cause analysis, reports, visualizations, and more
Auto Insights syncs with Alteryx Designer for collaborative, end-to-end analytics
Customers are using Auto Insights to maximize the efficiency of their analytics process, finding answers faster than ever
The result? Less resources are needed to achieve faster intelligence, allowing you to identify problems or opportunities and make data-based decisions to drive savings and revenue growth everywhere in your business.
“With Alteryx Auto Insights, I’m able to get insights within minutes.
“Alteryx Auto Insights changes the way we operate and run our organization, so from a data perspective, absolutely a game changer.”